Aiding Children Together, Inc.
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Your tax-deductible donations will directly support programs run by experienced local partners serving under-resourced children in Sri Lanka. As ACT is an entirely volunteer-driven organization, we are able to minimize organizational overhead and maximize the impact of your gift. The programs we support run extremely efficiently on very modest budgets. ACT distributes a minimum of 90% of donations annually directly to support programs. Our tax identification number is 30-0511648.  Donor acknowledgements will be issued upon receipt. 
Donations by cash or check can be sent to:

A.C.T. - Aiding Children Together, Inc.
1055 West Dover Road
Pawling, NY 12564

For your convenience, donations are also accepted via Paypal.

What can your gift provide to needy families in Sri Lanka?

$25 supplies a child with a quality pair of shoes and a school uniform, which families must provide for children before they may attend school.

$45 can purchase the school bag, exercise books and supplies that a child needs for a year of school.

$65 purchases basic but nutritious food for a family of five for about a month.

Your U.S. dollars go a long way in Sri Lanka, a country facing political upheaval and an economic crisis since 2020. 

ACT is an entirely volunteer-driven organization, and your tax-deductible donations directly support children and families in Sri Lanka. Our tax returns and financial information are available on GuideStar.